Tulsi / Basil Tea and Juice both are a nastrum to cure most of the diseases in human-kind, and also used for wellness by the people in any age. Being natural medicine a revolution arises with in Health Care to the human life. It works more, if it is from Himalayan region, an area where environment is pollution-free. One can identify it with its deep green colored leaves, scent, and taste.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

<style> body{font-size: 18px;} /* unvisited link */ a:link { color: red; } /* visited link */ a:visited { color: green; } /* mouse over link */ a:hover { color: hotpink; } /* selected link */ a:active { color: blue; } } p.big { line-height: 160%; font-size: 25pt; } ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; background-color: ; } li { float: left; font-size: 18pt; } li a { display: block; color: ; text-align: center; padding: 14px 16px; text-decoration: none; } li a:hover:not(.active) { background-color: ; } .active { background-color: ; } p { font-size:20px; text-align:justify; } </style></head> <body> <h1>For Health Solutions Points To Be Noted</h1><br/> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; text-align="justify"> Having big money is harmful while poor people are safe! As rich people can possess expensive items available in the market, but there is no guarantee they are taking real stuffs because most of the food items are less nutritious in the market today! All the grains available in the market are farmed using several chemicals to help in fast growing of grains, and in this method grains are not prepared naturally and remain less nutritious in the comparison of grains farmed in natural growing process. The people using them do not get energy as these stuffs dot not contain necessary elements as they have in the comparison of the grains cultivated in natural process. And finally items prepared by using such grains are not pure and cause of side effects in the people eating them. So we can prove rich people become the victim of their richness, while poor people who use their own products get actual energetic stuff to eat because their products are nutritious and do not contain any chemical element, and they enjoy of all the necessary and energetic elements found in their products to remain healthy. </div> <h2>How herbals hack diseases not only in human body, but in animals’ body also, and release them from… </h2><br/> <h2>Herbals hate diseases in your body</h2><br /> <h2>Herbals heal you…</h2><br /> <h3>People around the globe have a question whether herbals are useful to health, if so how to use them?</h3> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; font size="8"; text-align="justify">Exactly, it comes to all who have a sense of life and its importance. Basically herbals or herbs are the plants growing on the earth in some places where environment changes in big scale in the comparison of other places in the world. The capacity to bear the different stages of climate in a particular place gives them power to survive in such situations, and they complete their life-cycle. This power comes to the people who consume these natural herbals. So, herbals are considered being big factors in human beings to maintain their life-cycle as well. There is no any precaution to use them as these are stuffs people using from years, but one thing must be remembered that out of limit creates problem everywhere, and some diseases arise, which must be removed from the body. Thus, use them according to your need. Today’s world most of products are prepared using chemicals even in cultivation several chemicals are being used. All this leaves effects in human body, and become factors of ruin human body. Here we require powerful natural herbs to release any-any type of elements and diseases come in our body by consuming such stuffs produced by using some types of chemicals. In the advancement of world people have become lazy and want ready-made food. They have lost patience and go for immediate and urgent without knowing the demerits of the things they use. Consequently, people are losing their life-cycle, and die before their general age. So we suggest never use chemical products, and span your life-cycle as people lived in ancient time.</div></p> <br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; text-align="justify">In Himalayan region Tulsi / Ocimum Tenuiflorum is one of the common stuff mostly used by the people in their daily meals as Tulsi Tea/Juice, a mixture in salt and etc. It produces sweet smell and taste you never have had before. There is more safety required to cultivate it than other cultivation. The atmosphere in himalayan region makes it able to destroy any type of disease come into human being. Any type of stomach disease, body pain specially in heart, eyes, nose and pain in mouth is removed suddenly after using it. It's botanic name is Ocimum tenuiflorum, also known as Ocimum sanctum.</p></div><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; text-align="justify">Using tulis juice/tea in your food give your body capacity to cope in different geographical conditions, and coolness and satisfaction in your mind as well. All this leads your face looks shining and healthy. Most important thing of using this ultimate natural juice is a big extension in human life cycle. Not only development in your human body, it is helpful also in releasing unnecessary elements from your body.</p></div><br /> <h2>Tulsi, a natural herb!</h2><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big">As all the herbs useful to the human life, tulsi / Ocimum Tenuiflorum herb is a very important plant for health, especially for women who devote their time in kitchen. This plant has moderate height and good source of oxygen. It is one of the best sources of oxygen. It is said a house without Holy Basil, is considered as dry and unhealthy as a crematorium. Growing of basil plant is extremely useful in cleaning the surrounding. This plant is about 3-5 feet tall. The leaves which are 3-5 cm long have powerful fragrance. Tulsi / Ocimum Tenuiflorum has three types; black basil, white basil and camphor basil. Using tulsi means your mouth gives sweet smells automatically! In Himalayan region / Uttarakhand, India all the herbs are in your finger tips because you can take from the valleys and grows with any type of grass animals eat. </p></div><br /> <h2>What is Tulsi-ginger?</h2><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; text-align="justify">The combination of Tulsi-Ginger is very good for health purposes. When Tulsi, Ginger and other herbs are used in combination, useful for many ailments. If somebody experienced cough and cold, it is recommended that the persons should take the decoction of basil, ginger, black pepper with honey three times a day. The mix of holy basil leaves, onion juice and ginger juice are used for dry cough. The symptoms of high fever can be considerably reduced when a person take the mixture of basil leaves, neem leaves, powder of ginger and powder of long pepper. Have stomachache, take the juice of Basil leaves (10 ml) + Lime juice (20 ml) +and ginger juice.</div></p><br /> <h2>Health benefits of Tulsi tea</h2><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; font size="8"; text-align="justify">Tulsi tea, a very important component enhances a sense of well-being is one of the best medicines to all the people of any age group. It reduces stress and develops resistance against anxiety, tension and stress to the utmost than any kind of medicine made in the laboratories. It contains enough antioxidants help to contend free radicals. Thus it is one of the important alternatives of coffee and tea. Tulsi Tea-Juice is good for vision, respiratory system, boost your immune system and stamina and maintain blood sugar level. It makes your life-cycle run smoothly reducing the chances of heart-attacks.</p><br /> Control sugar with Tulsi/Basil seeds</div></p><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; text-align="justify">Entire Tulsi plant is important for health and medicinal aspects so the seeds are. The decoction of seeds is beneficial for urinary infections. In a study which is at the initial stage, it has been seen that Tulsi seeds are useful in controlling of blood sugar and management of diabetes. Weight reduction is also seen in the people who take regularly the drink of Tulsi. Nutritionally, Its’ seeds contain vitamin, minerals, fat and carbohydrate.</p></div><br /> <h2>Medicinal value of basil (Tulsi)</h2><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; text-align="justify">Tulsi, known as a healer of all diseases is very important herb and has many medicinal uses. It is used in the treatment of several diseases. This plant and its various parts are used in case of insect bite, fever, cardiac diseases, gynecological disorders, respiratory problems, skin disorders and etc. It has proved its benefits since the ancient times for different ailments. It is used as voice improver and acts as a germicide and bactericide. It is one of the best medicines to prevent malaria and an effective pain killer. In the history of homeopathy, Tulsi is very effective in the formation of breast during lactation.</p></div><br /> <h2>Recipes prepared using Tulsi</h2><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; text-align="justify">It is used for many dishes such as tomato sauce, pizza, salads, desserts, cocktails, different curries, Pesto and others. Tulsi can be used for more or less in all types of dishes. To make recipes with Basil, one has to use the smaller leaves of basil or cutting it into small pieces. Grinding of seeds or other parts may also be used with salads. Tulsi leaves are preferably used in making different types of recipes. The combination of basil and tomato is wonderful for recipes.</p><br /> Nutrition facts of basil.</div></p><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; font size="8"; text-align="justify">Make your health disease-free with Tulsi’s phyto-nutrients support it being as king of herbs. Tulsi is one of the herbs that is widely grown across the world, but Himalayan Tulsi works more because of the region’s atmosphere it grows. With many nutritional benefits it is full of anti-oxidants. Tulsi contains minerals like Vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, and magnesium. The bio-chemical compounds such as orientin and vicenin act as anti-oxidants. Tulsi leaves contain enough eugenol, citronellol, and limonene that are used in anti-inflammatory.</p></div> <br /> <h2>Amazing benefits of Tulsi</h2><br /> <h2>For stress management</h2><br /> <div align="justify">Get rid of stress, tension and anxiety by consuming Tulsi leaves. It is a mood elevator. Chewing of 10-12 Tulsi leaves helps in controlling of stress.</div><br /> <h2>Get relieve from fever</h2><br /> <div align="justify">The decoction of Tulsi leaves, neem leaves, powder of ginger and powder of long pepper has the capacity to reduce fever and its symptoms considerably. These are quite effective against malaria ad dengue fever, especially in the rainy season. During fever, the legs become cold then applying the paste of Tulsi leaves are beneficial.</div><br /> <h2>It prevents heart disease</h2><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; font size="8"; text-align="justify">Tulsi leaves show positive impact in reducing of cholesterol level in the body thereby helpful in prevention of cardiac diseases. Tulsi leaves also act as a tonic for heart. The flow of blood circulation enhances when juice of fresh leaves are applied locally. Get rid of cough by using Tulsi; its’ any-any part. </div><br /> <div align="justify">Tulsi leaves are used as home remedy in the treatment of cough and cold. To cure cough and cold fever, one can take the decoction of basil flowers, ginger, black powder and long pepper along with honey for three to four times a day. It is also useful for chronic cough and cold. To prevent this disease one should take the mix of Basil leaves + mint + black pepper in the dose of 30 ml twice a day. It is good to reduce the symptoms of cough and cold. Person suffering from expectorant, take the juice of Basil leaves and sugar. For dry cough, the mixture of Tulsi leaves, onion and ginger juice is helpful in managing and controlling the case.</div><br /> <div align="justify">The cause behind it is called a mother medicine credit goes its characteristic of removing kidney stone from body. One can experiment, Tulsi juice drinking along with honey for a period of six months helps to expel the Kidney stone (calcium oxalate) via urinary tract. Tulsi acts like as a detoxifier thereby reduces the level of uric acid in the body. It also prevents the formation of calcium oxalate in the kidney. Calcium oxalate and uric acid compounds are responsible for the formation of Kidney Stone. Since holy basil has painkiller effect, it also reduces the impact of pain that causes due to stone in the kidney. Thus, Holy Basil can be used as home remedy treatment to expel kidney stone yet it takes time to show desire effect.</div><br /> <h2>Tulsi reduces stomach problems</h2><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; font size="8"; text-align="justify">Why people of all age group are using Tulsi in any-any form is its good impacts in case of stomach problems such as acidity, flatulence, constipation and etc. Sometimes hyperacidity leads to weakness, which is removed with Tulsi seeds cooked in water. For acute stomach problems, decoction of basil leaves, ginger, honey and salt is given for two weeks. Recently, it has been shown in a scientific study that basil acts against stomach ulcers. For stomach-ache, the juice of basil leaves, lime and ginger is beneficial. It also eases from gaseous distension of stomach.<div><br /> <h2>Basil for dental protection</h2><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; font size="8"; text-align="justify">Powder of Tulsi dry leaves is used as brushing of teeth, thus helps in teeth protection. It is also used as toothpaste when used with mustard oil. Mouth wash through basil leaves means keeping oneself away from many mouth diseases such as gums diseases, pyorrhoea, and other dental infections. To get relief from toothache, applied the mix of basil leaves juice and camphor. Chewing of Tulsi leaves is beneficial for mouth ulcer. It protects you from bacteria and germs that are the main source of mouth diseases.</div><br /> <h2>Tulsi for headache treatment</h2><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; font size="8"; text-align="justify">Basil is helpful in relieving headache. To get instant relief from headache, it is suggested to apply the paste of Tulsi and Sandal wood on the forehead. Inhalation of powder of dried leaves of Basil eases from migraine and headache.</div><br /> <h2>Tulsi benefits for skin diseases</h2><br /> <div align="justify">Tulsi is known as healing for many diseases and ailments. Juice of Tulsi leaves are used in the treatment ringworm and skin disorders. For skin problems, the mix of Tulsi and Aloe Vera is beneficial. Some physicians also used this beneficial herb for leucoderma cases. It is used as skin ointments.</div><br /> <h2>Basil for asthma cure</h2><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; font size="8"; text-align="justify">The leaves of Tulsi are used as home remedy for the treatment of respiratory disorders such as cough, cold, influenza, mild-asthma and bronchitis. For these disorders, it is advisable to take the decoction of Basil leaves + honey and ginger. The mix of Tulsi leaves, common salt and cloves are also used in curing of influenza. A large number of Ayurvedic cough expectorant and syrups used basil as one of the ingredients. Chewing of Tulsi leaves are also beneficial in case of cold and flu. The asthma patient should take the mix of Tulsi juice and black pepper.</div><br /> <br /> <h1>Know the benefits of Tulsi leaves</h1><br /><br /><br /> 1. Tulsi is used as germicide, bactericide, deodorant, and anti-oedematous.<br/><br/> 2. Juice of basil is instilled in ears to get relief from earache.<br/><br/> 3. Paste of basil and black pepper are used in case of insecticide.<br/><br/> 4. The paste of leaves is used to prevent bleeding.<br/><br/> 5. Basil juice with honey remove hiccups.<br/><br/> 6. Basil extracted oil is used for painkiller.<br/><br/> 7. Basil leaves juice with honey is good for obese person. Obesity person should take this combination.<br/><br/> 8. The mix of Tulsi leaves and honey eases sore throat.<br/><br/> 9. Basil is also useful for children as it acts like as weapon against cough, cold, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.<br/><br/> 10.Tulsi is good for sore eyes and night-blindness. For best result, few drops of basil juice are put into eyes.<br/><br/> <br /> <h1>Some special points about Tulsi:</h1><br /> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; font size="8"; text-align="justify">Due to the natural capacity in and around Himalayan region the Tulsi plant keeps a wide range of bioactive compounds, known for their anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-pyretic and anti-cancer properties in it. The scientists around the world have observed the entire genetic make-up of Tulsi, a herb widely used for therapeutic purposes. The genome map is quite helpful in making new medicines using the plant from Himalayan region due to strong bearing power. All these compounds are metabolites, compounds that are a by-product of plant metabolism, used for plant self-defence. These metabolites are very poorly understood because of lack of genomic information. Not only Tulsi, a number of other useful plants are found in large amount in the valley of Kumaoan/Himalayan region.</font></div><br /> <h1>How to reduce waist and increase height?</h1> <div align="justify"><p class="big"; font size="8"; text-align="justify">It is known to all that wild animals do not have any type of access to the established health curing center, but god has gifted them natural resources to cure any type of disease and live for years. We all know they are in contact of natural things like, grass, herbs, plants, and water. Without any type of relevant awareness they grab some natural things, and results come to them as benefits in their health. Purity of any thing/stuff matters to all the lives. It works multiples than artificial items available in the markets. <h1>Tulsi protects your heart</h1><br /> </div> </body></html> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/Person'> <meta content='https://www.blogger.com/profile/02676592135499528396' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='https://www.blogger.com/profile/02676592135499528396' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>KB_OnlineBlogger</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='https://tulsiherbsfromhills.blogspot.com/2016/05/tulsi-in-its-raw-form-is-mosttly-used.html' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='https://tulsiherbsfromhills.blogspot.com/2016/05/tulsi-in-its-raw-form-is-mosttly-used.html' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' 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href='https://www.blogger.com/profile/02676592135499528396' rel='nofollow'>KB_OnlineBlogger</a> said... </dt> <dd class='comment-body' id='Blog1_cmt-4380893962863421616'> <p> Tulsi Juice is the second name of Herbal Juice while Tulsi Tea is also called Herbal Tea, both are important natural beverage and common in the people around the globe! </p> </dd> <dd class='comment-footer'> <span class='comment-timestamp'> <a href='https://tulsiherbsfromhills.blogspot.com/2016/05/tulsi-in-its-raw-form-is-mosttly-used.html?showComment=1486051676101#c4380893962863421616' title='comment permalink'> February 2, 2017 at 8:07 AM </a> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-466813511'> <a class='comment-delete' href='https://www.blogger.com/delete-comment.g?blogID=418970589879167667&postID=4380893962863421616' title='Delete Comment'> <img src='https://resources.blogblog.com/img/icon_delete13.gif'/> </a> </span> </span> </dd> </dl> </div> <p class='comment-footer'> <a 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